"Religious Communism" Is Opportunist and Anti-Marxist
For the "religious communist" (anti-Marxist-Leninist) portion of the audience:
Gods aren't real* and shouldn't be treated as though they are. They are fictional creations of humans and never should be worshipped. If you're not ready to deal with that, you're also not ready for the real movement which abolishes the present state of things: communism.
It is the task of communists in this domain to lead the population out of, not into, superstition, ignorance, and backward beliefs. Through socialism, we can free ourselves from idealist reaction and class exploitation and replace religious and other illusions and oppression with real understanding, solidarity, and well-being here on earth, in our lifetimes. That is our struggle.
Pretending that the Bible, Quran, or any other collection of supernatural mythology and outdated ruling class ideology from millennia past is somehow secretly Marxist is a deception on oneself and on others. Don't do it. Tailing religion is still tailism, & it's still wrong.
If there is anything evidence-based in practices associated with religion such as health or psychology benefits of meditation, communism can embrace these on a scientific basis while rejecting the backward & superstitious mysticism that priestly hucksters try to attach to them. The basis of our strength is dialectical materialism.
*Our default stance is not to accept the reality of things of which there is no evidence.
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