Since our American “Communist” Party videos, a number of people have asked about the Midwestern Mussolini Institute, who are now involved in Infracel’s and Jackson Hinkle’s “MAGA communism” nonsense. MWM had seemed to these commenters in previous years to have been more solidly grounded in Marxism-Leninism than some of the more obvious frauds, so they were surprised to see them involved in the A“C”P. However, while it’s true that MWM arguably had been more adept at camouflaging their rightist errors in a relatively more coherent Marxist veneer than, say, Infracel, they’ve been no less problematic in terms of the anti-Leninist content of their positions.
In the screenshot above is an example of the opportunism they promote on their website in regard to the inter-imperialist war between Russia and NATO via Ukraine. It’s an article of mind-bending ideological gymnastics by Rainer Shea about how Russia is “on a path to becoming socialist again” under Putin today. (It isn’t, any more than any advanced capitalist country is on a path, given proper organizing, to an eventual socialist revolution due to the internal contradictions of capitalism.) In it, Shea states that Russia is not imperialist in the Leninist sense, which it absolutely is (
), and reduces any factual analysis of Russia’s advanced monopoly capitalism to “pessimism” while promoting an opportunist “multipolarity” narrative as “optimism.” (Scroll down to the comments to see how this went over.)
Where Shea goes from there is unbelievable, a truly tortured train of thought about how, due to the crisis brought on by the war, the capitalist Russian state will try to bribe the middle classes to get their backing, and then these middle classes may, if you close your eyes, cross your fingers, and wish as hard as you can, “work towards shifting the country in a more revolutionary direction.” Then, Shea tries to pull in supporters of “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” by stating, “China was only able to become socialist after undergoing a revolution that involved all of those ideological impurities.” We know how that went: capitalist restoration after just a few decades arguably due in large part to this very problem of not ridding the CPC of non-ML elements. (See, for example:
| | ) All that such appeals really show in the end is that all of these revisionist lines are of a piece.
Such sentiments are echoed by other MWM contributors such as Noah, who stated in a recent call-in segment (
) that the opportunist KPRF likes Putin because Putin has nationalized the “commanding heights” of the Russian economy, leading listeners to believe that nationalization under the capitalist state, which any capitalist country may do in times of emergency, is some kind of socialism.
MWM has been publishing positions like this for years, and their recent involvement in the Duginist/”MAGAcommunist” A”C”P confirms openly their longtime rightist tendencies. If you are surprised by this, we suggest you look back over MWM’s work and re-evaluate it from this perspective. Ultimately, all the revisionist tendencies which have grown prevalent (Dengism, Trotskyism, Browderism, etc.) must be cleared away if a revolutionary movement is to develop.
For more on the A”C”P, see:
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